Flüssiges LSD
Kaufen Sie flüssiges LSD online
purchasing liquid acid online LSD is first produced as a crystal and then sold in consumable form. In the 1960s, blotter was frequently given out with “microdots” (small pills) and gelatin pills (window panes). Today, blotter paper is the primary distribution method for acid, however liquid and gel tabs are occasionally used as well. Purchase liquid acid online. Acid vials
Whatever its final form, LSD must first be dissolved in a solvent, usually ethanol (Everclear) or a combination of ethanol and distilled water. Then, gelatin is added to it to generate window pane (gel pills), and it is turned into a paste with binding agents and placed in a mould to create microdots.
Wie man flüssiges LSD einnimmt
Since liquid acid can survive for many years when maintained properly, absorbs quickly, and is simple to divide, many frequent LSD users prefer it to all other forms. syringes of acid. Chemswell
Die meisten Menschen essen gerne, wenn auch nur einen kleinen Snack. Es ist wichtig, das Trinken von Leitungswasser zu vermeiden, da LSD bei Kontakt mit Chlor und anderen Chemikalien, die in der öffentlichen Wasserversorgung verwendet werden, zerstört wird. Es kann am besten sein, vor dem Trip etwa eine Stunde lang kein Wasser zu trinken, da selbst Wasser in Flaschen diese Stoffe enthalten kann. Flüssige Säure online kaufen.
Zusätzliche Information
Menge | 16oz, 320z |
Samuel -