Buy 25 I-NBOMe online


Buy 25 I-NBOMe purchase

Buy 25 i Nbome Online, Online shopping for high-quality research chemicals like 25I-NBOME. You may purchase 25I-NBOMe from a dependable supplier online at a discount price at Discreet delivery of 25I-NBOMe to the USA, EU, UK, and other nations.

The phenethylamine psychedelic 2C-I has a derivative known as 25I-NBOMe, which is short for 2C-I-NBOMe. Chemswell

Prior to its 2010 online sale as a designer medicine, it had no prior human use.[Reference needed].

A 2-methoxybenzyl (BOMe) group is substituted for the amine (NH2), which distinguishes it structurally from 2C-I. This 2-methoxybenzyl substitution is shared by other NBOMe family compounds and 25I-NBOMe. Methoxy ether CH3O- is linked to a benzene ring at R2 in this NBOMe addition.

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3g, 5g, 10g, 20g, 50g, 100g

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